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Implementation & Data Migration

We translate your expectations to make the software yours.

ims cenosco

Cenosco offers personalized implementation and data migration services for the integration of any of our products. Our implementation team guarantees installation services, as well as migrating your site’s existing applicable data into the program. These services can be stand-alone, but we find that they work best together.


Get in touch today and we'll walk you through our processes.

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Maximize your Resources

Let your experts stay focused while we do the heavy lifting.

Personal Project Manager

Let one of our experienced project managers orchestrate the implementation, database and infrastructure engineers to the success of your project.

Make the most out of IMS

With our expertise guidance, we will help you reach the full potential of IMS.


We will translate your expectations into actions, and set up your software the way you want it. We will do all configurations needed so that your end product is a tailor-made IMS. You will be serviced every step of the way, from creating all the relevant infrastructure, such as virtual machines or custom databases, all the way to hyper care.


Guided Step-by-Step Implementation

Our experts will guide you every step of the way, creating a smooth implementation process.

Stay compliant

With an experienced team, you can make sure you’re compliant as quickly as possible.

Faster Go-Live Time

With expert guidance on the software, we can jump right into aligning the software with your requirements, resulting in a prompt go-live date.

Cloud or On-Premise

We can work with any environment, so we can carry out your implementation directly on our cloud, or on your own premise.

“Cenosco did in three months what we couldn’t do in three years”

Felix Inspection Manager

Data migration

Mapping and converting your data into the needed format to be integrated successfully in IMS can be a tedious and time consuming task, not to mention, tricky. Our team of experienced developers will ensure this is all done as promptly as possible, without you having to deal with the dullness and complexity of the project.  


Avoid unnecessary setbacks

Our experienced experts will ensure a smooth and prompt migration.

Lower Risks and Increase Productivity

We are the experts on IMS, so letting us handle your data migration will reduce risk and increase the data migration speed.

Personalized Approach

Avoid working with templates, which can often get messy without proper guidance.

Digitize your Records

Have you fallen behind on technology to the extend that none of your data has been digitized? We can help you!